balancing bipolar, schizoaffective disorder, self help book, Louise Hay, Phyllis Krystal Method
ponedeljek, 19. december 2011
Wonders of Nature: Snow in the Distance
After a few days of cloudy weather and occasional drizzle we had sunny weather the other day. I went for a walk along my usual path. I took the camera thinking: »What could possibly surprise me today? The hoarfrost is gone and there is no snow yet. The autumn leaves have fallen off of branches.« Read more:
ponedeljek, 12. december 2011
Wonders of Nature: Remaining Apples
I was taking a walk along my ordinary route and since the hoarfrost had melted away that day due to sunny weather, I expected nothing special. Something told me I should take my camera with me just in case though. So there I was, with a smile on my face, my serotonin levels 'adjusted' to the weather change ... Read more:
ponedeljek, 5. december 2011
Wonders of Nature: Frozen Fog
Wonders of Nature: Frozen Fog
It looked like snow on trees, but it was frozen fog or to name it properly hoarfrost, when I took a stroll the other day. I took some pictures (see the first photo) and then entered the forest close to my home which always offers a new look. Be it a complete makeover or just an interesting new detail, there is always something new, no matter how often I go there. Read more:
ponedeljek, 28. november 2011
A New Start
“There are two ways to live: You can live as if nothing is a miracle; or, you can live as if everything is a miracle.” (A. Einstein)
See more photos and read about wonders of nature spotted while taking a walk through a forest here:
ponedeljek, 21. november 2011
Comparing Myself to Others
Comparing Myself to Others
Oh, no, my colleagues from high-school all have high paying jobs! Oh, no, all my girl-friends already have children! Oh, no, all my neighbors are happier than me! Does it sound familiar? Where do you feel the pain? Read more:
ponedeljek, 31. oktober 2011
No Sweat No Glory
Do you like advertisements like ‘lose weight without any diet or exercising’ or ‘yoga for the lazy’? If your answer is ‘Yes’, then my writing is not your cup of tea. If you are looking for a magic trick to solve your mental or emotional problems, do not buy my book. It is not worth paying 12.50 $ for something that is not going to help. Read more:
ponedeljek, 17. oktober 2011
Respect Thy Parents
We all have to learn how to say No in certain situations. Even to our parents, who took care of us. Respecting parents has a limit – the limit is the respect for ourselves. Read more:
ponedeljek, 10. oktober 2011
The Age of Aquarius
In my opinion the Age of Aquarius among other things means a shift in our thinking regarding our freedom. In the former millennium the humanity has fought for freedom. However, it was the famous philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre already who anticipated today’s chaos and confusion, when he affirmed that “Freedom was a heavy burden.” Read more:
ponedeljek, 26. september 2011
The Age of Anger
There is so much anger on the planet these days that it is accumulating in what Phyllis Krystal calls a thought form. We only need to get a bit angry at somebody/something and we feel a huge wave of anger all of a sudden. It is because we subconsciously connect to the thought form of anger. What can we do about it?
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ponedeljek, 19. september 2011
Trying to Avoid Mistakes
»You cannot spend your life trying to avoid the mistakes I have made. You have to make your own.« This is a line from a movie. It is a piece of advice a mother gives her grown-up daughter. (Laws of Attraction with Julianne Moore and Pierce Brosnan) Being a light comedy the movie still has some important messages in it. I would like to concentrate on the upper quotation. Many times we are so afraid of making the same mistake our parents did …
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sreda, 17. avgust 2011
How to lead a quality life with bipolar disorder?
I have worked with the books of Louise Hay and with the Phyllis Krystal Method, but there are many others. The important thing is to pick one and take it seriously. Some people tend to collect certificates of seminars attended like one would collect stamps. What really counts is daily practice. No one is going to give 'daily showers' to our minds unless we do it ourselves. Other people can only teach us various methods…
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sreda, 27. julij 2011
The best things in life happen…
… when you don’t get what you think you want. (M. de Montaigne)
After 450 miles of motorway my husband and I arrive at Adelboden, Switzerland. A personal catastrophe for great planners like my husband and I – we set up the tent in rain and five minutes later the sun begins to shine.
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After 450 miles of motorway my husband and I arrive at Adelboden, Switzerland. A personal catastrophe for great planners like my husband and I – we set up the tent in rain and five minutes later the sun begins to shine.
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ponedeljek, 13. junij 2011
The Habit of Observing
I used to be so immersed in my worries while walking in nature that I almost would not have noticed a stone I would have stumbled upon. Let alone noticing something in the distance. But I kept walking, even if I was not really there. I felt very strongly that one day my excessive thoughts will ‘think themselves out’. And eventually they did. Read more:
ponedeljek, 6. junij 2011
How to Be a Loser and Survive?
It is actually easy – you will probably never experience a burnout. No, I am joking. But seriously: Who defines a person as a loser? The person herself/himself or others? What are the basic criteria for this kind of a definition? Or is the word 'loser' just a label, almost a curse? Read more:
ponedeljek, 30. maj 2011
The Stigma of Eastern Medicine
When East and West meet:
torek, 24. maj 2011
The Past Is Over and Done but We Can Benefit from It
Healing our emotional wounds:
ponedeljek, 16. maj 2011
My Tendency to Worry Is Really an Onion
Here comes the summary of years of analysis:
ponedeljek, 9. maj 2011
Face It – Nobody Is Perfect
The dangers of the inner stigma:
torek, 3. maj 2011
Psychiatric Clinic Revisited
Not that bad after all:
ponedeljek, 25. april 2011
It Is Time to Join Forces
East meets West in medicine approaches:
ponedeljek, 18. april 2011
The Cure Called Humor
Hope to give you a laugh today:
torek, 12. april 2011
Why not accept yourself just the way you are?
A blog about self-image and stigma:
sreda, 6. april 2011
A Few Words on Balancing Bipolar
ponedeljek, 28. marec 2011
Balancing the Beast - A Bright View of Schizoaffective Disorder
My book is finally out – read more:
ponedeljek, 21. februar 2011
ponedeljek, 14. februar 2011
The Power of Words
Words we utter create our lives:
ponedeljek, 31. januar 2011
Art Therapy
Welcome to read my new blog about my personal experience with art therapy:
ponedeljek, 24. januar 2011
A Bipolar in a Movie Theater
Ever felt irritated in a movie theater?
sreda, 5. januar 2011
The Energy Sponge
Want to know how I balance my bipolar?
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